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Nike MercurialX Proximo II TF 블랙 다크 그레이 MD ACC 남성 축구화, 신발, 운동화를
이미지 위로 마우스를 이동하거나 클릭하여 확대하세요.

Nike MercurialX Proximo II TF 블랙 다크 그레이 MD ACC 남성 축구화, 신발, 운동화를


제품 유형: 남자 축구

뜨거운 판매
  • 418,020 KRW

115,300 KRW

(72% 할인)

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더 많은 선택:
Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF ACC MD Football Shoes Soccers Black Light Green Lace Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF ACC MD Football Shoes Soccers Black Shade Red Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF ACC MD Football Shoes Soccers Total Crimson Volt Pink Blast Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF MD ACC Glow Pack Football Shoes Soccers Total Orange Crison Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF MD HighFootball Shoes Soccers Purple Dynasty Bright Citrus Hyper Grape Nike MercurialX Proximo II TF Black Dark Grey MD ACC Men Soccers Shoes Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF ACC MD Football Shoes Soccers Black Light Green Nike Mercurial Superfly Low Football Shoes Soccers Bright Green Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF ACC MD Football Shoes Soccers Black Blue Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF ACC MD Football Shoes Soccers Black Blue Lace Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF ACC MD Football Shoes Soccers Black Bluish Green Nike Mercurial X Proximo II TF ACC MD Football Shoes Soccers Black Bluish Green Lace Nike Mercurial Superfly V FG ACC High EA Sports Football Shoes Soccers Orange Colorful Navy Blue

Simple and stable
Nike MercurialX Proximo II TF assassin series of men's man-made site soccer shoes with light and breathable uppers and the whole palm cushioning design, for you to create a stable lock the foot comfortable sports experience. Seamless rubber soles allow for durable grip on man-made surfaces.
Other details
Dynamic Fit upper combines Flyknit structure upper and rib technology, effectively enhance the perception and control of the ball
Full palm type Phylon in the end, to create lightweight rebound cushioning performance
Tri-star outsole pattern with curved grooves, so that the feet move freely
Phylon in the end, light cushioning
Artificial field (TF) outsole with rubber spikes, in the artificial field to achieve excellent grip performance


배송 정책

위치 배송 방법 가격
US로 배송- 주문 금액이 288,290 KRW보다 적습니다. USPS 14,410 KRW
US로 배송 - 288,290 KRW보다 많은 주문 금액 USPS 무료로

항공 및 육상 배송 기간은 영업일 기준이며 주말 및/또는 공휴일은 제외됩니다.

*모든 배송비는 포함되어 있습니다. 추가 세금이나 수수료는 없습니다.



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리뷰를 작성Nike MercurialX Proximo II TF 블랙 다크 그레이 MD ACC 남성 축구화, 신발, 운동화를리뷰를 작성

Really good pair.

게시자 : Stjohn1 (게시일: 2021-12-03)

Really good pair.

로드 중..